My guide to television addiction

As a television addict, my thoughts revolve around the latest plots and subplots of my favorite TV shows. Join me as I talk through my addiction. Warning: You just might get addicted too.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lessons Learned on Rooftops

It's not too often you learn life lessons from TV that actually apply to your life, but The OC and Studio 60 have just taught
me a valuable lesson: Don't go up on a roof of a building because odds are the door locks automatically and you will be stuck there. Not only will you be stuck on the roof, but you will be stuck there with someone you don't like but the Gods want you to spend time with so that you can realize that you really do like them because well, the television writers want you to like them.
Also, according to Studio 60 it gets pretty chilly on those LA rooftops, wear your coat. Another interesting phenomenon is that the doors are locked to begin with. You can get up on the roof but you can't get down. What kind of sense does that make? Are they preventing pigeons from entering the building?

The first rooftop lesson was provided by Jordan McDeere and Danny Tripp on Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. They go up to the roof to talk about Danny's annoying habit of practically stalking Jordan and OH NO, they get locked on the roof. They get even more trapped when Jordan throws the hide-a-key rock down at a homeless guy to get his attention, only to realize she threw away their one hope of getting down off the roof. And I do have to say that I was rooting for Danny and Jordan to get together, but their first kissing scene kind of made me cringe. Not sure why, I actually don't care to analyze it too much because that would make me far too creepy for my own comfort.

The second rooftop lesson was provided by Seth Cohen and Che on "The OC." Thankfully this episode was Che's last (here's hoping they don't unnecessarily squeeze him into the series finale), because it seems the writer's had created yet another character that they didn't know what to do with once he was created. So they made him obsessed with Seth and freeing groundhogs, not exactly my idea of groundbreaking television (although the groundhog I'm sure did his share of breaking the ground, ha). Once the boys get captured by police and thrown into jail, Che finds love with a groundhog mascot and Seth will hopefully survive the horrible rooftop scene to go bond with Summer.

That ends my after school special of why you shouldn't go on a rooftop; especially with someone you don't like/do like.
Isn't television such a valuable learning tool... just kidding... kind of.


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