My guide to television addiction

As a television addict, my thoughts revolve around the latest plots and subplots of my favorite TV shows. Join me as I talk through my addiction. Warning: You just might get addicted too.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Let me introduce myself...

Hello my name is TeleVisionaryGirl and I am a television addict. I wake up on a Saturday morning dreaming of
the Food Network's nourishing shows filling my empty belly. After a proper portion of 30-minute meals and Everyday
Italian, I jolt myself away from the television long enough to run on the treadmill at the gym, only to daydream that
I am running after a criminal escaping a crime scene. My name is Sara Sidle and I am a Crime Scene Investigator. With sweat dripping down my face I brew a strong pot of coffee once I return home and proceed to call my mother and talk in pop-culture riddled, fast talking speech. My name is Rory and I am a Gilmore Girl.

I get dressed for the day in a cute little military themed jacket, faded jeans, chunky boots and grab my messenger bag, telephoto camera and laptop while I head out to solve yet another mystery while brooding over my troublesome boyfriend Logan. Yes, my name is Veronica Mars, and I'll solve the case. As I venture to campus for a graduate school study session, I run past the garbage can and dispose of my latest SD6 assignment plans, so the darkly gorgeous Michael Vaughn can follow my every move and help me to bring down the bad guys. My name is Sydney Bristow and I have several Aliases.

As you can see, my day is filled with television and until now I've always revealed only tiny portions of my addiction to those who know and love me. My friends and family know that my Tivo is very important to me, they just don't HOW important.
The reason I'm revealing my addiction now is this... It's the beginning of the Fall television season and this is when my
addiction becomes all too evident. I can't hide it anymore. My friends have noticed that all conversations usually lead back to who will Meredith choose on Grey's Anatomy and what was the significance of that giant, three-toed statue on Lost? Each action of my day reminds me of something I once saw on television. This worries me. As it should. So to help release these television demons in an effort to regain possession of my own life, I will discuss my television addiction here, and only here. By having one central location to hold my television addictions, I can release those television demons from my everyday life.

So welcome to my blog, have a seat, get comfy and let's enjoy television together. But let's not let television be our only identity.