My guide to television addiction

As a television addict, my thoughts revolve around the latest plots and subplots of my favorite TV shows. Join me as I talk through my addiction. Warning: You just might get addicted too.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

What to watch while waiting for Lost

As you may know from previous posts, I'm fairly addicted to the ABC TV show Lost. I love the writing and I love how in one show they've managed to create such a believable world where unbelievable things happen. With an ensemble show like Lost there are so many characters to like and dislike! For example, there's the lovable goof Hurley, the adventuresome tomboy Kate, the fiercely intelligent Juliet, the stubbornly sexy Jack, the sexy bad boy Sawyer, the troubled but well-meaning Locke, etc. The great thing about ensemble shows is that if one character is starting to grate on your nerves or their storyline isn't moving in a direction you like, just wait a little bit and the show will move on to a different character for a while. The only problem with loving Lost is that you miss it desperately when it's not on the air! And since this upcoming season starting in February is its LAST SEASON I will be very happy when it's back on the air but also incredibly sad too. I have about a dozen theories of what's going to happen, but I won't go into those now. What I wanted to talk about is what I'm watching while I'm waiting for Lost to come back on the air.

This season ABC is airing two new shows that are kind of Lostian in style. The first one is "FlashForward." It's an ensemble show situated in the real world where something unreal happened and our characters have to deal with it. There was a worldwide blackout and for 2 minutes and 17 seconds the whole world blacked out and while they were blacked out they flashed forward to six months in the future and saw 2 minutes of what their life will be like. Some characters really liked what they saw while others didn't. It's an interesting premise. The characters are pretty well fleshed out and there's a character-type for everyone. I like it. It's not quite as good as Lost yet but I'll give it time. It also has used a lot of Lost actors. The actress who plays Penny Widmore on Lost plays a main character on FlashForward. And the actor who played Charlie on Lost plays a main character on FlashForward.

The other Lost-like show ABC premiered this season is a remake of an 80s show "V". I'm giving it a shot. It's more advertly sci-fi than Lost and FlashForward. This is another ensemble show with a lot of different character types. So far they've only aired 4 episodes and now they're on a break until March.

Both V and FlashForward are worth checking out. They aren't nearly as good as Lost but they're slowly working towards it and I think it's work sticking with them until they get there.

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