My guide to television addiction

As a television addict, my thoughts revolve around the latest plots and subplots of my favorite TV shows. Join me as I talk through my addiction. Warning: You just might get addicted too.

Friday, March 30, 2007

My Master's In Television

So I'm working on writing my Master's Thesis after four long years of taking graduate school classes part time and working full time, I will be able to put it all behind me in May with a diploma in hand if the Gods allow. But I've been procrastinating a lot. Not as much as I used to... but for a Master's Thesis, I should be much further along than I am. So what do I do? Buckle down and get 'er done? No. I'm doing that this weekend I tell myself. What do I do instead of buckling down? I ponder over why really bad television shows like "October Road" get put on the air. And then I ponder some more over the fact that it's actually getting decent ratings. Unbelievable. I made it through a half hour of the pilot out of sheer curiosity, boredom and procrastination, the latter probably being the strongest factor. And I was just struck by this sense that this would be what my thesis would sound like to my professors if I read it to them in its current form. Poorly constructed, based upon grand illusions and trying way too hard to sound intelligent with an overuse of the dictionary for large words. I know. What am I doing writing my blog when it sounds like my thesis could use my attention? Again, it's a procrastination problem and I'm working on it, or I will work on it tomorrow, or the next day, or eventually. See how that works? Anyway, I also couldn't believe that at 27 I was already bearing witness to my own generational nostalgia show. It was like Wonder Years if it was bad and flashing back to the 90's. I think they may have actually used Hootie and the Blowfish (see my previous blog entry where I admit to actually owning a HBF CD, and you'll know what I mean about nostalgia).

So thanks folks for staying with me as I procrastinated and put a blog out there the equivalency of an episode of Seinfeld (a show [blog] about nothing).

I don't even have to rate October Road, because if there is a televisual god out there, she will cancel that show along with absolutely irritating crap like Seventh Heaven and give television viewers something they really want to watch with characters who don't speak like they're trying too hard. The problem is, I could say a token line like: network heads and show creators, don't assume that Americans are morons. But I can't say that because shows like Seventh Heaven, October Road and that horrible Pussycat Dolls reality show get good ratings while shows like Veronica Mars and Scrubs get lost in ratings Siberia. I don't know what to say to that, except this: America please expect more out of your television. Shut it off when the program makes you cringe and then the network heads will get the picture.