My guide to television addiction

As a television addict, my thoughts revolve around the latest plots and subplots of my favorite TV shows. Join me as I talk through my addiction. Warning: You just might get addicted too.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lost Rescue Mountains of Season 4

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lost Rescue Forest

Lost Crash Site Beach

Lost Turtle Bay Resort Beach

Lost pier

Lost jungle

Lost bamboo photo

Lost- forest picture

This photo is of the mountains on the east/Northeast shore. I was running around taking pictures like a crazy woman (oh no, I've turned into a crazy woman like Rousseau) and each time I felt compelled to take a picture it was usually because the scenery reminded me so vividly of Lost. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Hawaii for it's natural beauty and all that it has to offer not related to TV, but as the TeleVisionary Girl, you know I couldn't pass up comparing things to TV, especially Lost.

Byodo-Inn Temple

The Japanese temple (a replica of a real temple in Japan) that was used as the mansion where Sun used to live with her wealthy mob boss father. Sun is actually Korean, but the replical is actual of a Japanese Buddhist Temple. Jin also filmed scenes at this site. Also, the trademark first shot of Jack's eye in the pilot episode and subsequent shots of shirtless Sawyer in Bamboo grass all takes place at this site. I posed in the bamboo grass too, only I kept my shirt on (thank goodness).


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Getting Lost on O'ahu

Aloha televisual bloggers! I just got back from a nine-day adventure on the Lost-related island of O'ahu.
I had an incredible time that I will not soon forget. I highly recommend taking a television-related vacation if you
have the cash and the time. Granted, I don't have enough cash to go on only television-related vacations, however this was
a special occasion. I finally finished my Master's Thesis and submitted it for entrance into an academic conference. I got accepted and I packed my bags and headed to the sub-tropical city of Honolulu on the island of O'ahu. Next trip I hope to avoid the tourist-cluttered areas outside of Honolulu. But this time my vacation was mainly Waikiki and the North Shore.

My first day I flew in to the very open-air airport of Honolulu. I wasn't used to such wide open spaces, especially in an airport. However I immediately ditched my subzero Minnesota wardrobe and donned my flip flops and shorts. I've posted the pictures from my Lost TV tour. I signed up for the tour on Tuesday morning and got picked up by my highly intelligent and well-informed tour guide Tom for my 8-hour Lost-related tour of O'ahu, the tour ended up costing $109 (this included a very good lunch, too). I highly recommend this tour to anyone who is visiting O'ahu. The group that puts it on is "Hawaiian Escapades." Their website isn't currently up and running, but here is the address of where you can go to book the tour:

The next few posts will be my pictures from the tour. So hopefully these pictures will get you as excited as I am for season 4 which premieres on January 31st on ABC, 9:00 central time.

Mahalo! (Hawaiian for "Thank you", it also has many other meanings)
